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Pinched Nerves 


Nerves are like electrical cords that carry information from the brain to the rest of the body and vice-versa. The most common site of pinched nerves are between the vertebrae as the leave the spinal cord. A nerve can be pinched because of a subluxation, a bulging disc or degenerative changes in the spinal joints.


Sciatica is a common term for a nerve that is pinched in the low back. The primary symptom is pain in the buttock and leg. Nerves are frequently trapped at the base of the neck as well as in the low back. This can cause neck, shoulder and arm pain.


There are many symptoms that can arise from a trapped nerve – see the chart below. If you are suffering from any of the symptoms mentioned, you may well have a nerve that is being irritated or chafed at the relevant spinal level.

pinched nerve chart

Tableview Chiropractic

75 Wood Drive, Tableview
(Near Parklands Primary School)

021 - 557 7088

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